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 What Do You Do When You Find Kitty Poo Not in the Litter Box

What Do You Do When You Find Kitty Poo Not in the Litter Box

3 Steps For When You Find Kitty Poo Not in the Litter Box

We all love our cats, but when it comes to dealing withkitty pooand cat ink stink, chances are you’ve invested a lot of time and research into what you’ve chosen to put in your fur baby’s litter box.So naturally, if you start finding kitty poo, not in its designated area, you’re probably a tad bit frustrated.Don’t worry! We are here to help. Follow this easy step-by-step guide to figure out what’s going on with your pet (especially if it’s acat healthissue) and put a stop to those rogue kitty poo presents you’re finding around the house.

Step 1: Investigate the Reason This Could Be Happening

Investigate the Reason This Could Be Happening

According to theASPCA, there are several possible causes to why your feline friend is putting her tinkles and kitty poo anywhere else than where you want her to. Figuring out the reason is the first step you should take if you can, especially because a few have to do with overall cat health. Here are some options to consider and investigate before moving forward with a plan:

Possible Behavioral Issues:

  • Is your cat uncomfortable with her litter box set up, or is it too hard to access?This can be akitty poodeal-breaker, especially if it’s too small, the litter is too deep, or they don’t like the hood or liner that you’ve attached to it.
  • Are you cleaning the litter box often enough?As much as you hate kitty poo, we promise that your cat hates it just as much.
  • Does your cat hate the texture or smell of the kitty litter?
  • Does the litter box location give them anxiety or minimize their privacy?
  • If your cat is older or has a physical limitation like an injury,you may want to investigate if your cat can access the box adequately enough.
  • Did something happen to her while she was using the litter box?She may be experiencing litter box aversion.
  • Stress, in general, can often causekitty poo and cat health issues. Check in with your cat and see how he’s feeling. Any big changes going on in your house?
  • Are there too many cats fighting for the same litter box?
  • Is your cat consistently peeing or leaving kitty poo in the litter box but occasionally doing it outside of the designated area?Your cat may be practicing the instinctual issue of urine marking. A sure sign of this is a tail twitch during the territorial spray and a significantly decreased amount when outside the litter box.

Possible Medical Issues:

  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):This is a possibility, especially if you notice your cat is trying to tinkle in the litter box but only producing a tiny amount but then peeing elsewhere. Time to call the veterinarian!
  • Feline Interstitial Cystitis:This is a neurological disease that causes a cat’s bladder to be inflamed. The telltale sign is frequent urination and signs of strain, licking where they pee and possible signs of blood in their kitty tinkles. If you suspect this at all, take your cat to a veterinarian immediately.
  • Kidney Stone or Some Other Blockage:If your cat is experiencing this medical issue, there would most likely be some painful meows or cries coming from the litter box when she tries to do her business, and her belly could be tender to the touch. Again, this is an issue for the vet, so if your cat looks like they’re in pain, even if they’re going number one or two outside of the kitty litter box, take a breath before you jump to judgment. There may be some cat health issues going on.

Step 2: Make the Soiled Area Unappealing for Your Cat’s Kitty Poo Escapades

Make the Soiled Area Unappealing for Your Cat’s Kitty Poo Escapades

So now you’re on the lookout for the possible causes of this kitty poo issue. If you suspect something is wrong with your cat’s health, go straight to a vet. However, if you’re reasonably sure this issue is more on the behavioral side of things, then you’re on to step two of sorting out the rogue kitty poo issue.First, you’ll need to clean up the soiled area. Chances are, your cat is targeting a specific non-litter box spot in the house. However, you’ll have to do more than clean it to deter your feline friend from planning her next kitty poo or tinkle parade.According toPawsWhiskersAndClaws.com, it’s time to make your cat really hate the idea of going there:Here are some tried and true tricks to put in your arsenal:

  • Use strongly scented cleaners or sprays. (Bonus points if you already know your cat can’t stand a particular smell).
  • Invest in motion censored deterrent devices.
  • Put their food and water bowls in the location now. (They won’t put their kitty poo where they eat!)
  • Put down the double-sided tape (the gentle kind that won’t hurt their paws but annoy them).
  • Lay down sheets of aluminum foil (they hate the texture and sound).
  • Invest in scat mats.

Step 3: Start the Process of Elimination to Figure out The Problem

Start the Process of Elimination to Figure out The Problem

So you’ve ruled out a cat health issue, and you’ve cleaned the soiled non-litter box area and made it unappealing. What’s next?It’s time to systematically figure out your cat’s behavioral issue and see if we can get that kitty poo to stay in the litter box.Pets WebMDwarns against getting mad and recommends a gentler approach to solving the problem. Here are the first things you’ll want to try:

Examine the Actual Box

Examine the Actual Box

Is it too big or too small? Is it too hard to access for older cats and need a lower edge or ramp? Does it have any kind of accessories like a privacy hood? Try removing possible deterrents or switching boxes entirely. If you have multiple cats, it could be as simple as adding another litter box to the fray, so there’s enough room for all thekitty poo.

Try a Different Location

Try a Different Location

Location, location, location! It’s not just about the real estate market. The saying could very well have been derived from a desperate cat owner who figured out the secret to their kitty poo woes. Sometimes, it’s as simple as finding a new spot to keep the litter box.Maybe you keep it in the laundry room, and the washing machine and dryer make scary sounds, or perhaps you keep it in the bathroom, but the scented candle you keep behind the toilet gives off an unbearable smell to your furry friend.Whatever the case may be, take some time to try relocating your litter box and see if thekitty pooand tinkles magically start finding their way back into the box consistently. It really could be that easy of a fix.

Experiment with Different Cat Litters

Experiment with Different Cat Litters

It may be the texture or smell throwing off your furbaby’s litter box habits. It’s time to try some other kinds. Fortunately, withSkoon, you have two types of textures to choose from when it comes to our super absorbent diatom pebbles, and there are several scents to choose from as well. If your cat is averse to scents — never fear! We offer original unscented as well.So switch out your kitty litters and see if that solves the litter box issue. Maybe Mr. Whiskers is just a bit picky and wants some options.

Keep an Eye on Your Own Cat Chore Habits

Keep an Eye on Your Own Cat Chore Habits

Cat’s are very picky when it comes to cleanliness. If their litter box is smelly or damp, chances are, they won’t be leaving kitty poo in there anytime soon. That’s why you’ll want to invest in a kitty litter with ultra-absorbent properties likeSkoon’sdiatom pebbles. Simply scoop the solid kitty poo as it happens and give the pebbles a daily stir to maximize absorbency. It is that easy, and your cat will thank you for it (or at least go number two in the box).

Skoon is the Solution You’ve Been Looking For

Skoon is the Solution You’ve Been Looking For

When it comes to dealing with kitty poo and all the issues that come with it, we’ve got your back. Your cat’s business is our business, and we pride ourselves on our commitment tocat healthand kitty chore convenience. WithSkoon, you’ll be getting the most absorbent kitty litter on the market delivered to your door each month in a disposable kitty litter box our customers love.Ready to take the next step toward finding a cat litter that both you and your furbaby will love?Click hereto visit our website today!


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