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Pros and Cons of Air Travel With a Cat

Traveling On a Plane with Your Cat

Traveling On a Plane with Your Cat

As the proud parent of a fur baby, one of your top priorities is making sure your cat feels included and like a part of the family. This is especially true during the holiday season. Whether it means setting a place at the Thanksgiving table for your pet or baking a fresh batch of holiday-themed cat treats, you’re committed to doing everything you can to include your cat in the festivities.If your seasonal calendar is packed with get-togethers and celebrations that require travel, it’s easy to worry about leaving your cat behind. You can still make the best of the holidays with your pet by taking them with you. Traveling with a cat makes sure you’ll get to celebrate together and keeps your furry friend from feeling left out. While air travel with a pet can be stressful, there’s plenty you can do to prepare.Read on to find out everything you need to know about the pros and cons of traveling with a cat on a plane. And, find out useful tips that will help you prepare for a safe and enjoyable traveling experience.

Pros of Traveling with a Cat On a Plane

Pros of Traveling with a Cat On a Plane

Understanding the benefits of traveling with a cat on a plane can help you make decisions about how you want to get to your holiday gatherings this year. Keeping these pros in the back of your mind during your trip can also reassure you if you run into any issues with your travel. Here are the top benefits of traveling on a plane with your cat:

  • Shorter Travel Time — One of the greatest benefits of flying with your cat is that it typically results in a shorter transit time than other modes of transportation like driving. If long cross country car trips don’t sound appealing to you, plane travel can be a better option. Your cat will likely have to spend less time enduring the stress of travel if you choose to fly.
  • More Destinations— Being able to take your cat on a plane means that there are more destinations you can travel to together. Some locations simply can’t be driven to, or would take so long to get to in a car that driving wouldn’t be feasible. Traveling with a cat on a plane opens up more possibilities for holiday getaways.

Cons of Traveling with a Cat On a Plane

Cons of Traveling with a Cat On a Plane

While traveling with a cat on a plane might be the only way to get to your desired destination this holiday season, there can be some downsides to flying with pets. It’s important to know about the cons of traveling on a plane with your cat so you can prepare for them ahead of time. Planning is key to a smooth flight with your cat. Here are some cons of traveling with a cat on a plane:

  • Unfamiliar Environment— Airline travel can be very stressful for a cat, just like any kind of travel or change to their daily routine can be. The experience of being on an airplane can be particularly jarring because it means putting them in an environment that is very different from what they’re used to at home. While your cat will be in a carrier during the flight, they will still feel the stress of being in such a different place as you fly.
  • Noise Levels— Airports are notoriously loud, crowded spaces, and this is especially true during the busy holiday season. If your cat is sensitive to loud noises, the experience of being in an airport waiting for your flight can be very stressful. The noise of the plane itself can also cause anxiety for your pet.
  • Travel Conditions— Traveling with a cat on a plane isn’t possible in every situation. It’s important to take into account expected travel conditions before you book your trip, and in the days leading up to it. If there will be serious weather events or extreme temperatures, it might not be advisable to fly with your cat. For this reason, traveling on a plane with your cat might not always be possible.

Tips for Traveling On a Plane with Your Cat

Tips for Traveling On a Plane with Your Cat

The first step in preparing for traveling on a plane with your cat is knowing the advantages and disadvantages of flying with pets. The next step is learning about helpful tips for plane travel that you can use to take action in advance. That way, you and your cat are much more likely to have a successful journey. These are some tips for traveling on a plane with your cat:

  • Visit the Airport— If you have some extra time to prepare before your trip, visiting the airport at least once or twice with your cat is a good idea. With your cat in their carrier, walk around the airport lobby to give them an idea of what to expect. You can also take them in a parking garage or practice waiting outside the airport so they know what to expect when you reach your destination. If actually visiting the airport isn’t an option, try finding videos online of airplane and airport noises to play for your cat. That way, the day of your trip won’t be the first time they hear those sounds.
  • Prepare the Carrier— Your cat’s carrier will be a very important part of traveling on a plane with your cat. This enclosure will be their safe space during the flight and while you navigate through the airport. Make sure you choose a comfortable carrier, and let your cat get used to it by having them spend time in it in the weeks and days leading up to your flight. Before you take off, put a few comfort items in the carrier like a favorite blanket, toy or bed to keep your pet calm during the flight.
  • Try Skoon’s Catpack Carrier— If you’ve been searching for the perfect cat carrier for your upcoming trip to no avail, look no further than the Catpack Carrier from Skoon. The unique design of this cat carrier backpack features a protective bubble that gives your cat a clear view of the world around them as they travel. This cat carrier backpack is lightweight and has padded shoulder straps, meaning you’ll be comfortable as you travel through the airport and to your destination with your furry friend on your back. Skoon’s cat carrier backpack is well-ventilated, making it a great choice for promoting safety while traveling on a plane with your cat.

Choose Skoon’s Catpack Carrier today to keep your cat safe and comfortable while you travel this holiday season!Sources:https://bluecollarpettransport.com/drive-fly-pet-across-country/#:~:text=The%20main%20benefit%20of%20air,pet%20may%20endure%20in%20cargo.https://www.petsthattravel.com/flying-with-cats-in-cabin/https://travelbinger.com/pros-and-cons-for-traveling-with-pet/https://www.insider.com/guides/pets/flying-with-a-cat


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